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Los Angeles Harbor College Library

Circulation & Reserves
  • Common
    • Stacks: 2nd floor, circulating (available for checkout) - 28 day checkout
    • New Book: 1st floor, circulating, 28 day checkout
    • Reference: 1st floor, library use only
    • Reserve: 1st floor Circulation Desk, 2 hour - 2 week checkout
    • Being Cataloged: In the system but still being processed, temporarily unavailable
    • Cultural Equity: 2nd floor, circulating - 28 day checkout
    • Children’s: 2nd floor, circulating - 28 day checkout


  • Uncommon
    • ​Archives: ask library staff
    • Atlas: 1st floor stands
    • Bindery: 2nd floor, library use only
    • Special Collections: 1st floor, circulation desk, 2 hour - 2 week checkout


  • Number of items permitted to checkout:
    • Total: 10
    • In the same subject: 5

Location: Circulation Desk

Many textbooks and other course materials are on reserve at the Circulation Desk.

All materials are listed in the library catalog. Click the Reserve Desk link on the catalog screen to search by instructor or course name.

Checkout periods range from 2 hours to 2 weeks.

Valid student ID is required for checkouts.

  • Outside both library entrance/exit doors, 24/7
  • Circulation Desk

You can access your library account here to view checkouts, place holds, and intra-library loans. 

Items cannot be renewed.

A library hold will be placed on a student’s record for the following reasons:

  • Item(s) lost or damages
  • Item(s) not returned before a second overdue notice has been sent
  • Multiple item(s) overdue when the first notice is sent
  • Item(s) not returned by the end of the semester

Available within the nine libraries of LACCD colleges.

You may personally go to the LACCD college that has the item and check it out with your LAHC student ID (excluding reserve and reference materials).

Login Credentials


SIS Portal
Computers & Laptops
Library Databases




Your entire LACCD email address ending in:

Password Your password


Computers are located on the first floor of the library and Learning Resource Center (LLRC).

  • Desktop Computers
  • First come, first served
  • Student login required
  • Internet
  • Microsoft Office
  • Printers

Bring a USB Flash/Travel Drive to save your work, or save all your work to an online account (Outlook or Google Docs). The computers will not allow you to save any work to the desktop or documents folder.  

Please note: the computers, printers, photocopy machines, and circulation desk power-down 15 minutes before the LLRC building closes. 

View the instruction guide:

Student Email & MS Office Guide

Laptop Checkout


Taking an online class and need a laptop with camera, microphone, and sound?
Need to catch up on homework?

Borrow an HP Laptop for the session or semester!

Check the catalog listing for available laptops.

HP EliteBooks
HP ProBooks

More information and application form can be found here.



TI-84 graphing calculators, TI-36X Pro scientific calculators, and TI-30XIIS scientific calculators can be borrowed for 3 days at a time from the library. 

Check availability ahead of time in OneSearch (found by searching TI-84, TI-36X or TI-30XIIS). Available on a first-come basis at the circulation desk.

TI-84 Plus CE

A graphing calculator for use in math (especially Elementary Statistics) and science courses.

Documentation: TI-84 Plus CE eGuide (Website)

TI-36X Pro calculator               

An engineering or scientific calculator with an easy to use interface. Ideal for algebra, trigonometry, precalculus, calculus, and science courses.

Documentation: TI-36X Pro Manual  (PDF)


Description: A  scientific calculator with an easy to use interface.  Ideal for algebra, trigonometry, precalculus, calculus, statistics, and science courses.

Documentation: TI-30XIIS Reference Guide (PDF)

LOC Classification & Library Floor Plan 


HN First letters: The first letter of a Library of Congress call number indicates the general class the call number falls within. In our example, the book is located under H, which is where books on social sciences are classed. If there is a second or third letter, these indicate a specific subclass. HN indicates social history and conditions, social problems and social reform.

Numbers that follow the letters: The numbers define the subject of the book. The number 59 is referring to a book about a specific region or country in this case, America.


Cutter Number (the next set of numbers): The Cutter Number indicates the author or title of the book. It is taken from a table matching names or titles to a set of numbers. In our example, .T39 reflects the first word of the author, Taylor.

2014           Year number: The edition of a volume is the next part of the call number. The year of publication follows the Cutter number to indicate the edition. In our example, 2014 indicates that this edition was published in 2014.