1. View the list of library databases and go directly to PrepSTEP.
2. Create a PrepSTEP account
3. Identify the items you want to assign to your students
1. Email khajadtr@lahc.edu stating you want to use PrepSTEP in your course and include the following:
2. Wait for a reply email containing an instructor registration link, which will allow you to easily grade and view student progress.
3. Include PrepSTEP information on your syllabus
1. Students must create an account
Form details:
Creating an account will provide students with the opportunity to:
1. Navigate to the registration link
2. Complete the registration form
3. View student progress and completion by doing the following:
4. If you assigned Job/Career tasks, click on the title of the report you want to generate
5. Locate the Report Details box on the top right of the webpage
6. Input the criteria to match your course
7. Click your preferred report method - Run Report or Download CSV